This recipe uses grated coconut, and is adapted from "Candy," of The Good Cook series.
Combine sugar, syrup and water in a heavy saucepan and bring to boil while stirring. Once it begins to boil, stop stirring and continue to boil until syrup reaches 112°C (234°F). Add the butter and salt and continue to cook until hard ball stage, 130°C (264°F). Add in baking soda and coconut, and pour over buttered surface. Break into irregular pieces when cool.
Recipe adapted from: Editors of Time Life Books. The Good Cook Techniques and Recipes. Candy. First printing. Alexandria: Time-Life, 1981. Note: this recipe is not in the French edition: Les Confiseries par Les Rédacteurs des Éditions Time-Life.
Content by Renee Shelton. This recipe was first published on on January 10, 2007. It was updated on October 8, 2020.
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